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GenParticles3Dv1 coming soon

I am putting together a software called GenParticles3Dv1 which will help users create virtual domains for particulate systems, porous media, metallic foams and similar materials where inclusions, particles, or voids are randomly distributed within a 3D Representative Volume Element.

The code works on the Monte Carlo methods using the Random Sequential Adsorption technique.

Please sign up to be informed about the release of the GenParticles3Dv1 software. You will also be eligible for an early-bird discount offered during the launch of the product!

You will have priority access to the videos and case studies showcasing used cases for the software in area of micromechanical modelling

Also, ahead of the launch, I will hop on a one-hour Zoom call with you during the week of the launch to answer your specific questions about the software and advice on how you can use it to solve your unique computational modelling challenge.

So, sign up below and you will be added to the GenParticles3Dv1 software wait list.

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