Want to be the first to know about MontCarlGen3Dv1.0?

I am putting together a software called MontCarlGen3Dv1 which will help users create virtual domains for particulate systems, porous media, metallic foams and similar materials where inclusions, particles, or voids are randomly distributed within a 3D Representative Volume Element.

The code works on the Monte Carlo methods using the Random Sequential Adsorption technique.

If you are interested in the following, then do subscribe to the mailing list:

  • Learning with case studies the use of the code to solve different numerical modelling scenarios. This will in form of video tutorials, prior to the launch.
  • See behind the scenes materials about the code development.
  • Participate in a live session with me answering any questions you may have about the software.
  • Ask questions about anything you want to know about the code and its application to your research.
  • Of course, you will also receive a generous discount in the week of the launch.

Just one more step!

Alright, just one more step and you're all set. Pop your first name and email in below for access to behind the scene information about MontCarlGen3Dv1.0!

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